free, legal, superbly great.
that's how we spell coolness.

Review by Raiden's Realm :

For anyone who ever loved and played the famous Worms PC game series, then Wormux is the game for you. Even if you weren't much of a fan (like myself) of the original Works series, you'll find Wormux none the less captivating and enjoyable, and even addictive in some respects. The biggest different between Worms and Wormux is that Wormux is free, and has, in my humble opinion, better gameplay and a better interface. The control system for the game is also much easier to use than Worms ever had.

When you first load Wormux, you're greeted by a simple 5 option menu that allows you to choose between local and network play, options, credits and quitting. The network play option currently works at this time (despite the game still technically being in beta) but there's no automatic way of finding opponents. You need to jump into IRC and track someone down, and then connect using the credentials they give you in order to play someone at random. That should be fixed in future releases, but for now that's how it's done. Of course, you could always just call up your friends and have at it with each others. ;)

If you click on the "Play" button, the first thing you'll be greeted with is list of maps. The number and variety of maps in this game is totally crazy. And I mean that in a good way. The selections range from very easy maps that are loads of fun to play to some that really present the players with some very interesting challenges to surmount. And there's certainly no small selection of maps either. At last count I found the game to come with no less than 38 different maps. And that doesn't include any 3rd party maps you may install later.

Another thing to note on the map screen is the total number of playable characters. There are fourteen playable of them that I found ranging from the Firefox "Fox" mascot to Tux and even the Freebsd "Daemon" mascot. On the map screen you can also set the duration of each turn, amount of initial energy, and how you want scrolling to work. Scrolling does work fairly well, but it still has a few issues that need to be addressed in upcoming versions. However, I suspect that the developers are already well aware of this.

The weapons selection in the game is also good. The player is given the option to choose between a wide variety of different tools and weapons that can really put a crimp in their opponents game. The various weapons offered include a bazooka, dynamite, grenades, mines, bouncing balls, a super tux, and more. There's plenty of unique and interesting ways to nail your opponent for certain. Some take a bit to get mastery of, but beyond that, they're loads of fun to use.

Gameplay in general is fun. Everything is turn based, just like in a regular Worms game, so each action may inadvertently produce an unintended and rather problematic response by your opponent. But that's what makes it fun! How to blow him up without him blowing you up! ;)

The configuration screen allows you a quick and simple way to adjust any settings you want to change in the game. The options available are pretty spartan, but they do allow you to adjust a number of very important features, including the default language (there are 25 different supported languages that I could see) and sound settings. You can also adjust the Frames Per Second (FPS) of the game as well, setting it to only show a maximum number of FPS if you so desire.

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